..AND INSIDE LOOKING OUT (for music related posts, please follow the link 'My Jukebox' listed under the blogs on this site) :)

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Its over, finished, forever shall remain undone
As she picks up the pieces, she realizes its time to move on, time for change, time to welcome something new into life
Its a time of loss, of destruction.

When the old crumbles, something new replaces it, that is the law of nature isnt it?
As an old life breaks down, a new one emerges, like a new dawn, a new sunrise, a fresh morning.

And she rises, hope aglow, like a phoenix rises from the ashes, flying ever closer to the sun on her shining new wings of freedom.

Friday, December 29, 2006

How to deal with a problem/deadlock in life (aka how I am dealing with one in life at the moment)
In a cold rational fashion, focusing on what to do and what needs to be done in the future. No emotions, just clarity on the steps to be taken to solve the problem. Because one should be aware of the fact that one always has options and strengths that one can capitalize on. It just needs a bit of preparation for future contingencies that can arise.

No need for an emotional reaction, just cold calculated rational thought would do..an almost detached orientation that makes it easier to think thru the problem and reach a solution...

(this post is in progress, shall come back to this soon..)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Birthday stuff

A Cake with strawberries, raspberries, chocolate chips and vanilla with a blueberry and chocolate sauce filling inside..
Filled also with love and joy and fun and happiness that feels so warm
A time to renew, be grateful and also to look ahead with hope and optimism
A time to prepare, plan and be ready to accept change with grace and calm
A time to be confident, to dare to look beyond..

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

As I turn a year older in about 15 more minutes (yeah well local time!) the following are some things running thru my mind.

  1. Need to learn to stay calm
  2. Need to stay focused
  3. Need to think clear, rational, logical
  4. Be aware that there always are options
  5. Cultivate strength and endurance and grace to know life as it is and accept it for what its worth
  6. Know that with everything going on, life is still beautiful (its tough to see it thru rainy days and rainier life but still)
  7. Keep the faith
  8. Trust yourself
  9. Build strength, courage and endurance
  10. Hold on
  11. Think on your feet
  12. Keep your options ready
  13. Be prepared for anything
  14. Work hard, trust your effort and sincerity
  15. Value yourself
  16. Don't be afraid
  17. Count your blessings
  18. When swinging from happy to sad and back, be aware of things or people that keep u happy, not sad
  19. Take things head on
  20. Know that whatever happens, is for the best and rest in knowing that a better tomorrow awaits each and every one of us


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Enter Gandhigiri?

Saw lage raho munnabhai a bit later than the rest of the country..and the reason that this post finds place on my usual blog instead of my entertainment blog is because the movie is good food for thought. Is this the revival of interest in Gandhi, an awareness of what we have been missing so far from history? Only time will tell. For now, its just interesting to know that movies like LRM are a breath of fresh air to the audience.

More on Gandhigiri here, as for the practise of Gandhigiri, watch out this space for more in future as there could be possible 'real-life' stories of Gandhigiri in action! ;)