..AND INSIDE LOOKING OUT (for music related posts, please follow the link 'My Jukebox' listed under the blogs on this site) :)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

...or the curse of being hypersensitive!
Its in the stare of a person, the look that someone gives you..
Its in the deafening silence that follows a supposed "joke",
Its in the way people don't say something, and yet the message is louder than the loudest noise you can hear,
Its in the smile, more than the tears that flow through one's eyes..
Happiness, sadness, thrill, loneliness, delight..all revealed in everything but words..
We are a funny race, aren't we? When it comes to the most intense expressions, they are conveyed in silence..language has no role in it, its all about behavior.
Food for thought as I close yet another day...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Oprah quotes..

"You know what my biggest fault is? I don't have the courage to be disliked."

Her ten commandments:

  1. Don't live your life to please others.
  2. Don't depend on forces outside of yourself to get ahead.
  3. Seek harmony and compassion in your business and personal life.
  4. Get rid of the back stabbers-surround yourself only with people who will lift you higher.
  5. Be nice.
  6. Rid yourself of your addictions-whether they be food, alcohol, drugs, or behavior habits.
  7. Surround yourself with people who are as smart or smarter than yourself.
  8. If money is your motivation, forget it.
  9. Never hand over your power to someone else.
  10. Be persistent in pursuing your dreams.

Glinda, the good witch in The Wizard of Oz: "You don't need to be helped any longer. You've always had the power." (On a wall in O's home).

Oprah's commencement address at the Wellesley College in 1997:

  1. Life is a journey. Every day experiences will teach you who you really are.
  2. When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. This is especially helpful with men. Don't force them to beat you over the head with the message.
  3. Turn your wounds into wisdom. Everyone makes mistakes. They are just God's way of telling you you're moving in the wrong direction.
  4. Be grateful. Keep a daily journal of the things you are thankful for. It will keep you focused on the abundance in your life.
  5. Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe.

(Ref: Janet Lowe (1998) Oprah Winfrey Speaks: Insights from the World's Most Influential Voice. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. NY)

Friday, August 18, 2006

To my blog readers,
Yes you, both of you! ;)
I'm afraid I've been treating my blog a little like a scrapbook lately, but its only coz I haven't found the time or the mental space to devote more time to my writing- the thoughts are there, but no energy or will to organize them and express myself. I will come back surely with something, but till then please bear with my little links about things I read, saw or heard! ;)
Take good care of yourselves.
God Bless! :)
A few months ago, I had blogged about how I love Ricky Martin's track 'I Don't Care'..here's one more reason to love this fabulous singer..
Ricky does care! :)
A little refresher..here is where you can find 'I Don't Care' in English and in Spanish. And I love the Spanish version too! :D
Full story here
I cannot even begin to comment on this article, I am just surprised that there are some debates that go on forever..even things we take for granted as having been proved and scientifically established are still questioned by a section of the population. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this.
Happy reading.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Story here

And I thought I was absentminded!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Every city has its own history. Here is the story of two cities that I feel connected to ;)
Thanks, NDTV.com ;)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Mozart's 40th Symphony and pop music? huh? Is that possible? Well, when we are talking about music, I guess creativity is unlimited! ;) Check out this new video to know what I mean. Thanks for the song, A! This track certainly put the hip back in my hop! ;)

Well, we all know how songs 'inspire' other songs right? Well check out this Hindi song from the movie Chhaya (1961). Sounds familiar? Yes! Yet another song to be inspired by the symphony mentioned above. :) Goes on to show that something that was originally composed in 1788 can still inspire music down the ages! Here is where you can find info on the original symphony.


Lovin' it..

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Now why didn't I come across this earlier?! ;) A university course on 'Popular Hindi Cinema'!!!! Check out this link..
The site has some interesting thoughts on some great Hindi movies of our time. Interesting because its fascinating to read how Hindi cinema is perceived in other parts of the world..Hmm..one more thing on my 'To Do' list..take a course in 'Popular Hindi Cinema'! ;)


Listen here
Lyrics here

A song that is timeless in its quality and in its beautiful poetry (only a genius could write, "Chehra Hai Jaise Jheel Mein Khilta Hua Kanwal, Ya Zindagi Ke Saaz Pe Chhedi Hui Ghazal..). Everything about this song is perfect..the playback by Rafi and the picturisation on Guru Dutt and the lovely Waheeda Rehman, make this song an all time favorite with listeners of all ages..and certainly one of mine! :D

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Moments of glory, a celebration of success and all the good things in life
Reunion with loved ones
A time to heal, to restore and revitalize
Back with a bang!