..AND INSIDE LOOKING OUT (for music related posts, please follow the link 'My Jukebox' listed under the blogs on this site) :)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Kandukondein Kandukondein
Sitting at my table on a breezy Sunday afternoon, listening to this amazing A.R. Rehman song-in Tamil and finishing up work for the upcoming deadlines. I must say this is one of the best songs I have ever heard. I do not understand the words, but the voices of Hariharan and Mahalakshmi totally suit the mood and the music of the song. It totally is for people in love! ;) and those aspiring to be too! ha ha!
One need not understand the words to feel the music, and to feel the love in it. I am trying to learn this song, but fear that I will pronounce it all wrong..all the more reason for me to go back to listening to this song again! ;)
You can listen here.
One of my close friends at IITM told me that 'Kandukondein..' means ' I have found it..' I am sure that if Archimedes were to hear this song, he would say 'Kandukondein' instead of 'Eureka'..well you know when! :D
Happy listening! :)
Here are the lyrics for those of us who want to sing along! ;)


Anonymous said...

Couldn't listen to the song that you asked for. The link was too slow in insti. But yes, I have had the feeling a lot of times. Music has no barriers.

Anonymous said...

He he, someone with my name and username too alrdy hr :P

Anyway, some songs hv it in them! Some inspire, some depress... Music is our mantra for realising our own moods! We manifest our mood in teh song we listen to!