In an earlier post I had introduced the KITCAT, that mischief of the Kitchen God that (sometimes literally!;)) spices up one's day. Well, suffice it to say, that that is not where it ends. In a classic case of the once bitten twice shy rule, I am now mortally scared of boiling milk in the oven! Although before the KITCAT, that has been something I have done almost unthinkingly, now I am very scared to heat my daily mug of milk in the oven for fear of future KITCATs! This fear does not extend to other cooking activities, even those involving the oven in question. Just the milk that is all! Still figuring out a way to overcome my fear of this particular KITCAT!
Learning behavior is an interesting phenomenon. Some things in life we learn because of positive reinforcement-rewards, both tangible and intangible; and some behaviors are unlearnt because of negative reinforcement-punishments, both tangible and intangible! The latter category is where I would place my fear of the KITCAT(s).
Research in organizational learning documents an interesting phenomenon called 'superstitious learning' whereby a firm tries to mimic the practices of another successful firm, just because the former views the practices of the latter as having led to the latter firm's success. Such behavior, researchers say, overlooks other possible factors which might have in fact contributed to the success of the firm. Thus firms are said to be bounded by their rationality, or limited perception about the nature of success or the nature of the environment in which they function.
This behavior at the organizational level also finds parallels in individual behavior. We try to follow the leader without actually analyzing as to what led to the leader's success to begin with. What is true of positive behaviors like striving for success, is also true of negative behaviors, such as avoiding risks, fears, anxieties, worries, etc. Individuals also possess 'bounded rationality'-a limited perception about the choices available, or information about their environment. Economics offers theories of individual (economic) decision making, and explains individual bounded rationality in much more detail.
Awareness that one's information or skills may be limited in dealing with a particular problem, or in overcoming certain fears, is the first step towards solving that problem. Thus when confronted with a problem (or a freak occurrence like an exploding mug of milk!) one should seek further information on possible causes of that problem. Does that mean I am going to run to the University library to borrow all the books I can find on malfunctioning microwave ovens? Probably. Is that information going to alleviate my fear? Maybe. Maybe not. This brings me to an interesting dilemma: why is it that given ALL the information I can find in this world, I still choose to listen to what I feel, and not necessarily what I think?
I dont know! Never thought about it!
Awesome post!
You are a prolific writer...
As 4 gtng scared of things which once went awry, i know tht even u understand itz weird! itz just a silly fear tht evryone of us has one time or da other!
I dnt xctly know whrz dat email link in blogger, n orkut I hvnt bn loggin in 4 last week due to my proj submission, thtz due tom! So, once am done wid it, i ll login! actually, itz so addictive tht if i login i lose track of time :P
Interesting blog lady!
I believe that we all live a life where learning, excpet for our childhoold/innocent years, involves 80% of superstitious learning. How often have you avoided wearing that black dress to an exam just because you associated it with some negative occurence. Don't we all know subconciously, that the black dress had nothing to do with it.
I also think your fear of KitCat has nothing to do with your love for the broken mug, or the microwave or milk. You fear how you felt when it happened, and its your instinct to avoid it in future. Acknowledging that you have limited knowledge about the functionality of the microwave will not erase that feeling of shock/fear/disappointment when you saw what you saw in that microwave. It will only aleviate, if any, your own doubts of your fault or wrong-doing in the incident.
Drawing this analogy to individual behaviour, that's when we choose to live life by rules, by principles and blah blah . Since we donot know what happens if we digress (due to limited knowledge) and also since we were hurt when we did, most of us prefer to start our day by praying to god, not drink and drive, and many such things. Ofcourse, its natural to follow someones success, but what really matters for sucess or happiness is a positive attitude. In trying to copy another company/leader (as trying is an act of betterment - generally positive), the positive attitude is what gets them through.
A very interesting post wiht lots technical terms....one of my favs on your blog space.
keep writing baby!
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