..AND INSIDE LOOKING OUT (for music related posts, please follow the link 'My Jukebox' listed under the blogs on this site) :)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Mozart's 40th Symphony and pop music? huh? Is that possible? Well, when we are talking about music, I guess creativity is unlimited! ;) Check out this new video to know what I mean. Thanks for the song, A! This track certainly put the hip back in my hop! ;)

Well, we all know how songs 'inspire' other songs right? Well check out this Hindi song from the movie Chhaya (1961). Sounds familiar? Yes! Yet another song to be inspired by the symphony mentioned above. :) Goes on to show that something that was originally composed in 1788 can still inspire music down the ages! Here is where you can find info on the original symphony.


Lovin' it..

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