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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Happiness and Sadness-two sides life

We all want to be happy dont we? Then shouldn't we be prepared to accept sadness as well? Can one exist without the other? When everyone around us is happy (atleast everyone significant in one's life) that makes our life also peaceful and meaningful. But there comes a time when things are rough. At that time, do we hang on, or give up and quit? I am reminded of this episode of Seinfeld where George says, "So what? Quitting is easy..my father was a quitter, my grandfather was a quitter, my greatgrandfather was a quitter...its in my family..i was raised to give up!" hehe! Funny as this sounds, its true. When we see others around us persevering in the face of hardship, it compels us to move on. What is this thing that endures in the face of adversity anyway? Is it just blind faith or optimism or belief in a higher force? Whatever our beliefs are, I think we are all blessed with this inner strength that helps us thru bad times.

I guess all I'm trying to tell everyone is that we should just keep the faith in ourselves and in God (whatever we conceive Him/Her to be!) in times of trouble, and sure enough, one day things will be better.

Its just a matter of sayin, "I CAN", no matter what. When Life seems to say.."YOU CANNOT", get back to it and say..."I CAN". Sure will make Life happy to hear that! ;)


Anonymous said...

Well said mam, totally agree with u. Its really our environment and family that makes us a quitter or a fighter

Anonymous said...

The only thing that matters, the only thing that has a bearing on you is yourself. Don't say "why me?" in the face of a difficulty. Life is full of damages and damage control. I believe in GOD...so, its just a test he is taking...that I need to pass. If you cant pass it you cant access greener pastures....but if you try, you atleast have a chance. :-)