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Monday, November 13, 2006

India tops foreign student enrollment in the U.S. Story here



Naresh said...

Incidentally the comments on that article are rather stupid. Especially the one that does cost analysis. Now who is going to tell that fool that not everybody spends money from his pocket. Only a very little money goes from India. Rest is sponsored by US gov.

Reservation comment - How many smart general category candidates went to US for undergrad after getting disgusted with reservation - None. The ones who went are the ones who could not go to IIT-IIMs with their brains. How many PG students go to US due to Reservation - None again. They only go abroad because of lacking research infrastructure, which is problem uncorrelated to reservation....

People escaping from their national responsibility - This one is the bitter truth. Every body is disgusted with the state of affairs, the corruption. But no body wants to get his hands dirty in the act of cleaning.

But again -

Naresh said...

one post has been deleted!!! Did you move over to China?

Mayuri said...

err..nope..i just transferred the post onto a different blog listed on my site :)


Naresh said...

Be safe in Singapore.... Keep blogging dost....