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Sunday, June 11, 2006

The morning begins at 5 am
The melodious notes of the Suprabhatam waft through the air
The world awakens slowly
Courtyards getting washed and decorated with rangoli
The newspaper boy delivers the world at the doorstep
The milkman calls out to the lady of the house
Children getting ready for school-half excited, half sleepy
Are adults going to work any different?!
The morning traffic jam
Noise, crowds, skillful driving on the road
Papers to be signed and filed away at work
Time for a snack?
Time for lunch?
Time for coffee...
Time to return home before you know it!
Time with the family, pleasant and cheerful
The events of the day exchanged
An evening out with the family
Watching the sunset with a loved one
Time for quiet reflection, unspoken thoughts understood, minds read..
Time to rest for the day
To dream of things to come
To wake up refreshed to face another day..
Somewhere in India..


Anonymous said...

India, so very well captured!
We live by drawin out bliss from simple things in life and that is what makes India more and more beautiful!

Anonymous said...

totally true, this is what india is bout, what a nice peice of writing. This goes out to all those americans who think there life is better in America

Anonymous said...

Call it a perfect day.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading your poem. If only life could be a little slower and less fragmented in the West! Thanks for sharing. ;)