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Friday, June 02, 2006

The Knight returns from battle, battered and bruised. Sword broken, armour dented, riding on a tired steed. Its time to rest now. The dragons have been vicious, but have not been able to break the spirit of the Knight. The female Dragon has been the most dangerous, her allies secretly empathize with the Knight, but are in her vicious grip-trapped, just like the Knight. The wounds might slowly heal and disappear and the memory of the battle will become a distant dream. The Knight will remain noble, faithful and loyal-the Dragons might raise their ugly heads again, but the Knight remains hopeful that the Dragons won't make that mistake. So far the Knight has been patient, it would be a mistake on their part to underestimate the might of the noble Knight.
For now, peace prevails. The battle is over. Rest. Cheer. Celebrate.


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Knight ;). Hope dragons read the blogs, do they?

Anonymous said...

well written man.... knight is bruised, but not his spirit. And the dragon secretly empathizes with the knight, coz she knows she has done wrong....